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Partnerek és támogatók:

A KLÍMA+ program az Országos Bűnmegelőzési Bizottság és a Belügyminisztérium támogatásával valósult meg.


KLIMA+ Szakértők

Fellegi Borbála
Állampolgárság: HUN
Telefon: +36 70 365 0630
E-mail: Megmutat
Web: http://www.fellegi.hu
Munkahely: Foresee Research Group
Foglalkozás: executive
Levelezési cím: 1092 Budapest, Bakáts tér 3.
Fax: +36 1 9997923
Mobiltelefon: +36 70 365 0630
Beszélt nyelvek: Angol
Egyéb nyelvek:
CV: CVEng_BorbalaFellegi.pdf
Szakmai érdeklődés: Training, research, guidance in the fields of restorative justice, crime prevention, the sociology of deviance, conflict resolution, victim support, education and community conflicts.
Területi érdeklődés: Anywhere in the world where conflicts exist.:)
Munkatapasztalat: From July 2008
Consultant of the Hungarian Institute for Education Research and Development specialised as researcher, trainer and mediator of the Educational Mediation Service for its 3 years long project on ‘Introducing alternative dispute resolution into the Hungarian vocational school system’
Supervisor: Dr. András Krémer

From May 2008
Executive director of the Foresee Research Group Nonprofit Ltd. – Community, Communication, Conflict resolution, Cohesion Foresee Research Group is an interdisciplinary think tank providing research, training, project management, consulting and networking activities in order to prevent and reduce social inequalities; disseminate the principles and techniques of alternative dispute resolution; objectively measure the extent and forms of social exclusion; prevent and reduce prejudices and negative stereotypes in the society against disadvantaged social groups; integrate marginalised and disadvantaged social groups and advocate for their equal opportunities and rights.

May 2008
Lecturing on the causes, the legislative and institutional framework and on the sanctioning system of juvenile delinquency at the Veszprém Catholic College, Faculty of Social Work

March 2008
Training about the theory and practice of restorative justice at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University

February 2008
Training about the theory and practice of restorative justice for police officers, requested by the Crime Prevention Academy, Ministry of Justice (Hungary)
Contact person: Dr. László Csendes (Crime Prevention Academy)

February 2008
Training about the theory and practice of restorative justice for judges, requested by the Hungarian Judicial Academy
Contact person: Dr. Erzsébet Diós (Hungarian Judicial Academy)

From June 2007
Consultant for the Family, Child, Youth Association in an AGIS project on implementing restorative justice in Hungary (research, translation, interpretation, group moderation, international networking, organisation activities)
Supervisor: Dr. Maria Herczog

From September 2006
Lecturing at the Faculty of Social Sciences and at the Faculty of Law, ELTE University (the title of the course: Punishment and/or Restoration? Mediation and other alternative sanctions in the criminal justice system)

From September 2006
Research and Training Director of the CISZ 2000 [Civil, Informatics, Sociology] Ltd.

June 2006 – July 2007
External consultant of the Central Office of Justice (Ministry of Justice) in Hungary – consultancy in relation to the implementation of victim-offender mediation into the Hungarian criminal justice system
Supervisor: Dr. Erzsébet Hatvani

From June 2006
Evaluating project proposals and monitoring crime prevention-oriented projects financed by the Hungarian Crime Prevention Committee
Supervisor: Dr. Katalin Gönczöl

January 2006
Participating in the Expert Group of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for revising their Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes (published in 2006)

July 2004 – December 2005
Junior researcher at the European Forum for Restorative Justice at the Department of Criminology, Catholic University of Leuven; coordination of an EU-funded AGIS project focusing on implementing restorative justice in Central and Eastern European countries
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ivo Aertsen

From November 2005
Expert commentaries on draft laws and training courses provided for the requests of the Council of Europe in different countries in the field of victimology and restorative justice

November 2005
Internship at the Penal Mediation Service in Brussels (House of Justice)
Supervisor: Ms. Valérie Cosysns

From September 2004
Official alternate of Dr Maria Herczog in the Hungarian Delegation of the European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC)

November 2002
Organising two workshops for lawyers, prosecutors, judges, policemen, probation officers on the possibilities of restorative justice (research project of the National Institute of Criminology, Hungary)
Research director: Dr. Klara Kerezsi

From September 2002
Individual PhD research on the possible applications of the restorative justice system in juvenile crime; Faculty of Social Policy, Institute of Sociology, ELTE University
Supervisor: Dr. Maria Herczog

From September 2002
Lectures and training courses in restorative justice within the curriculum of the ELTE University, Faculty of Law, Budapest
Course coordinator: Dr. Klara Kerezsi

September 2002 – September 2003
Research on the ‘Rights of Students with Disadvantageous Background in the Public Education System’ requested by the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the ELTE Institute of Sociology;
Research director: Dr. Gyorgy Ligeti

June 2002 – October 2003
Lobbying activities on behalf of the Association of Social Professionals as a member of the board

June 2002 - February 2003
Co-editing the journal of the Association of Social Professionals, called ‘Halo’ (Net)

January 2002 – September 2003
Creating a database and website on the European Union’s NGO-specific policy in cooperation with eight civil organisations (http://www.cipp.hu); advising on fundraising, partnerships as well as counselling services on behalf of the Kurt Lewin Foundation
President of the Foundation: Dr. Gyorgy Ligeti

May 2001 – October 2003
Editing one of the first Hungarian websites, called SzocHáló (Social Net – http://www.szochalo.hu), specialised for providing information on social sciences; coordinating the editorial staff comprising 30 university students, employed by the Kurt Lewin Foundation

April 2000 – September 2002
Research and project-organising tasks for the Family, Child, Youth Association
Supervisor: Dr. Maria Herczog

February 1999 - June 1999
Internship at the Probation Service of the 8th district of Budapest
Supervisor: Ms. Rita Szikulai

1998 - 2000
International relations and organising the distribution of books at the Magus Publishers
Tagság szakmai szervezetekben: National Mediation Association Hungary - board member
European Forum for Restorative Justice - leader of the reasearch section
Independent Academic Research Studies - board member
European Society of Criminology
Hungarian Society for Criminology

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