The camp was organized as part of the project of the Institute for Educational Research and Development. Among the aims were the introduction of alternative conflict management to the participating students and the training of teachers in the subject. Also one of the goals was to iprove the cooperation of the teacher-student workpairs, and preparing them to be able to use the alternative conflict management techniques ina n aimed, institute-specifical way , stepping into different roles (informant, mediator, etc.). A final goal of teh training was to strengthen the network of students and teachers interested in alternative conflict management, so that later on the network can be a way of experience-sharing and improvement.
From 11 schools, 42 people (21 teachers és 21 studens) came to participate, and 6 trainers (András Krémer, Borbála Fellegi, Katalin Pallai, Anita Erdész, Éva Győrfi and Zsuzsanna Z. Papp) provided professional assistance.
The participants expressed their will for further cooperation, and offered to carry out a series of tasks concerning the introduction and implementation of ACM in their respective schools. Part of the tasks were about informing, introducing the techniques and possibilities, while others were more about personal participation int he process of alternative conflict management.

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