13th of May was also the day of the 25th anniversary of the school’s sport faculty, but this did not hinder the session of the ninth graders. One of Foresee Research Groups colleagues, mentor of the session’s moderator couple, Benedek Gabriella was also invited.
The screening was followed by a one hour interpretation and discussion. According to the couple’s pedagogue member the students featuring the film deserve respect for speaking openly about their conflicts in public. In her opinion, neglecting and denying conflicts are typical forms of brushing them aside. She emphasized that both the program’s preparatory workshop and the educational material were considerable help for her and her moderator partner in the preparation for the sessions.
The latest watch and discuss session, held on the 13th of May followed slightly different topics, giving even more time and space for the participating ninth graders for analyzing the conflicts presented by the film. The screening’s experiences are available for reading on the KLÍMA+ BLOG.

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