A film featuring high school students about school conflicts' alternative resolution methods and their most important principles created within Foresee Research Group's Klíma+ project.
A film about creating consensus, involvement, partnership, honor, restoration, acceptance, inclusioniving, community. More information on the film...
We are glad if the film is showed by many people, in many countries, for many viewers. This is exactly the way in which wide dissemination and awareness-raising can be realised.
Anyone can see and use the film free of charge. The only request we would like to ask from those showing the film to others is to mention that the film was produced by the Hungarian Foresee Research Group .
Thank you!
The nonprofit organization, Foresee Research Group, received the 2018 European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) award for outstanding contributions. Please read the article of Laura Mirsky from the eFORUM of the... Source: Laura Mirskly, IIRP eFORUM June... |
On behalf of Foresee Research Group Zsuzsanna Z. Papp and Borbála Fellegi gave a presentation investigating the relation between culture and restorative practices at the international conference with the title „Mobilities,... The five day event that was organized by the International Association for Intercultural Education and ELTE PPK Centre for Intercultural Psychology and Education attracted more than a hundred... |
Borbála Fellegi talked about Forese’s KLIMA+ Project and the role of conflict management in crime prevention and in everyday education as a roundtable member. The audience of the two day-long conference co-organized by the Ministry of Interior and the National Police Headquarters consisted mainly of law enforcement, pedagogist and social worker professionals. The conference saw an opening greeting speech by dr.László Felkai, public administration... |
On the 25th of October, 2011, starting at 5.30 pm, the Criminology Student’s Circle of the ELTE Faculty of Law held a roundtable discussion on conflicts, violence and conflict management in schools. The invited guests were: Tamás... The discussion saw roughly 15 participants from the university’s students. Among the subjects were the personal characteristics of the attacker and victim children, the role and responsibility of teachers, family backgrounds, and the role of families. The participants also examined the role of... |
Between the 1st and 5th of August, 2011. the preparational camp program named „Alternative coexistence” of the „The intoduction of alternative conflict management, interest-based communication and restorative techniques to the... The camp was organized as part of the project of the Institute for Educational Research and Development. Among the aims were the introduction of alternative conflict management to the participating... |
As Foresee’s representatives, Dr. Éva Győrfi, Gabriella Benedek and Dr. Borbála Fellegi held a presentation and interactive workshop on the subject of handling conflicts in school, the KLÍMA+ project and the applicability of the... The Hungarian Association for Community Development held its annual |
The Másság Foundation’s Office for the Protection of National and Ethnical Minority Rights (OPNEMR), supported by the Embassy of the United States of America is organizing a daylong workshop in Debrecen. Date of the workshop:12. September 2011.(Monday) 10.00 – 16.00 |
The ’’Intertwined’ has been presented to mediation practicing, international audience for the first time. On 9th of june dr. Borbála Fellegi, executive director of the Foresee Research Group and teacher at CEU’s two weeks mediation training... |
Community conflict resolution in school – Foresee Research Group’s KLIMA+ (Climate Positive) programme provides a film & an adjoining educational material. The programme closed at the end of May 2011 with its deliverables helps... The project’s focus is a 27 minute short film (Intertwined) and an adjoining educational training material, developed with the direct involvement of students, teachers and various educational support professionals. The film presents... |
The members community developers National Development Workshop, and the brand new organization for a group of young specialists – baptized to the name of Young Developers Workshop – watched the short film as an optional... Despite the late start, the screening was followed by vigorous conversation and discussion amongst the participants, proposing that screenings should be held not only to student groups, but could be part of teacher meetings as well. Considering the usefulness of the film, the participants arriving... |